About Us
“To Make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World”

Pineville First United Methodist Church is a church of over 1000 members, yet we strive to create an environment where everyone feels at home and a part of the family.
We offer meaningful children's and student ministry programs. We know our children are the present as well as the future and we do everything we can to instill them with strong Christian values.
We also believe in ministering to our adults, whatever their age, in a way that is relevant in today's world. We offer men's and women's groups, a variety of adult Sunday school classes, book clubs, support groups, and much more.
We also believe in
community outreach and missions. We do a variety of missions in state, out of
state, internationally, as well as locally. At Pineville First United Methodist Church, we
believe in sharing the gospel of Christ with everyone. We want the world to
know about the amazing love of Jesus Christ.
Please join us as we make disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World. #livinglifelikeitmatters