
Rapides Parish Library
Our parish library offers many opportunities for our community. At PFUMC, we believe that children of all ages should be given the opportunity to love reading.

Alexandria Zoo
Our local zoo is growing everyday. They provide quite a few activities throughout the year for children. Our FOTAZ member is Niki Hoyt . Please contact her at 318-527-6388 for information about getting involved.

Boy Scouts
Our troop meets every Tuesday at 6 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Contact Joe Hoover (318-451-1222) for more information.

Daily Devotional
Here is the link for a daily devotional promoted by our church. A hard copy of the Upper Room Devotional can be found outside the sanctuary and in the Family Life Center.
City of Pineville
Our church is part of an amazing community. Check out Pineville's website to stay up to date with upcoming events.

Wesley Center
The Wesley Center in Woodworth, LA hosts many events throughout the year. Retreats and get-togethers make this location a strong hold for our church family.

Cub Scouts
Pack 21 meets each Tuesday in the Family Life Center at 6 pm. Contact Jeremy Dupuy (318-542-8130) for more information.